Compassionate use of convalescent plasma for the management of severe pneumonia in critically ill COVID-19 patients-a single center experience, Kerala, India


  • Mobin Paul Department of Clinical Haematology and Haemato-oncology, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India
  • Priyanka C. G. Department of Transfusion Medicine, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India
  • Sophy M. P. Department of Clinical Haematology and Haemato-oncology, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India
  • Latha Abraham Department of Pathology, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India
  • Rajesh Venkitakrishnan Department of Pulmonology, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India
  • Renji Jos Department of General Medicine, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India
  • Jaicob Varghese Department of Critical Care, Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala, India



Convalescent plasma therapy, Severe COVID-19, C reactive protein


We assessed treatment effectiveness with convalescent plasma in critically ill COVID-19 pneumonia patients and their association with reduction in C reactive protein level as a sensitive inflammatory marker to the ongoing cytokine storm. Retrospective cohort study based on the detailed electronic medical chart review. The primary outcome was a clinical improvement on day 14, defined as the reduction in cytokine storm as demonstrated by a drop in acute phase reactant C reactive protein; de-escalation from the prior mode of oxygen delivery or not on mechanical ventilation in critically ill COVID-19 patients. C reactive protein was measured by using immunoturbidimetry. IgG antibody against spike protein S1 was measured by chemiluminescent immunoassay. Of 14 patients, all had severe COVID-19 pneumonia [category C], and 9 (64%) were mechanically ventilated soon after the admission into the medical intensive care unit. De-escalation of the oxygenation strategy mode was noted in 11 (79%) patients after convalescent plasma infusion. All patients showed a significant drop in C reactive protein when compared to pre-infusion and post-infusion day 5.  Early compassionate use of convalescent plasma with higher titters of IgG antibodies against S1may positively benefit the overall outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia.


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How to Cite

Paul, M., C. G., P., M. P., S., Abraham, L., Venkitakrishnan, R., Jos, R., & Varghese, J. (2021). Compassionate use of convalescent plasma for the management of severe pneumonia in critically ill COVID-19 patients-a single center experience, Kerala, India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 9(10), 3156–3162.



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