Intentional replantation: case report


  • Cristhal Duque-Urióstegui Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Luis A. Alvarez Hernández Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Yanirethe I. Muñoz-Ramírez Department of Stomatology, CST-III Health Center, Hidalgo Extension, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Verónica Vallejo Ochoa Department of Stomatology, U.M.S.N.H, Morelia, Mexico
  • Noemí Méndez Hernández Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Karen I. González Madó Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Emmanuel Poceros Angeles Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Carlos Briseño Flores Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Carla B. Duque-Urióstegui Department of Stomatology, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Alicia M. Corona Maya Department of external dental consultations, ISSEMYM Morelos, Mexico
  • Gabriela Castañeda-Palacios Faculty of dentistry, ULA, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Baltazar Barrera-Mera Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNAM, CDMX, Mexico
  • Alan I. Valderrama -Treviño Department of Surgery, Central North Hospital PEMEX, CDMX, Mexico



Dental reimplantation, Dental extraction, Dental ankylosis, Periapical surgery, Apicoectomy, Retrograde filling


Intentional reimplantation is a procedure in which an intentional tooth extraction is performed followed by reinsertion of the extracted tooth. We present the case of a 50-year-old male patient who came to the consultation due to incrustation detachment in tooth #37, when performing the radiographic study an extensive apical lesion was observed in tooth #36 with a sinuous path and the presence of purulent exudate. The tooth #36 was extracted, apicoectomy, retro preparation and retrograde filling were carried out for later reimplantation, showing bone regeneration after one year of evolution.


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How to Cite

Duque-Urióstegui, C., Alvarez Hernández, L. A., Muñoz-Ramírez, Y. I., Vallejo Ochoa, V., Méndez Hernández, N., González Madó, K. I., Poceros Angeles, E., Briseño Flores, C., Duque-Urióstegui, C. B., Corona Maya, A. M., Castañeda-Palacios, G., Barrera-Mera, B., & Valderrama -Treviño, A. I. (2021). Intentional replantation: case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 9(10), 3167–3170.



Case Reports