A cross sectional study assessing six different methods to predict the ideal position of umbilical venous catheters in neonates of different weight categories


  • Nida Janna V. K. Department of Pediatrics, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India
  • Serena Mohan Varghese Department of Pediatrics, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India
  • Madhu George Department of Neonatology, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India
  • Susan John Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Rajagiri Hospital, Aluva, Kerala, India




Dunn method, Shukla Ferrara method, Umbilicus to midpoint of inter-mammary distance, Umbilicus to nipple length, Umbilicus to symphysis pubis length, Umbilicus to xiphisternum length



Background: This was  a cross sectional study  done to find the most suitable method of assessing umbilical venous catheter (UVC)  length in seventy two neonates of four different weight categories using  six methods.

Methods: Neonates were grouped into A (upto 1 kg), B (>1-1.5 kg), C (>1.5-2.5 kg) or  D (>2.5 kg)  based on their birth weight. UVC was placed using Shukla-Ferrara method and x-ray taken to finalize the catheter length. The predicted catheter length was also measured by  Dunn method, umbilicus to nipple length, umbilicus to xiphisternum length, umbilicus to midpoint of inter mammary distance, and umbilicus to symphysis pubis length. ANOVA test was used to find the methods which did not have statistically significant difference with the final length from x-ray (p>0.5). The method with the least mean difference from final length was taken as the most suitable.

Results: UVC length assessed by Shukla Ferrara method and umbilicus to midpoint of inter mammary distance did not have statistically significant difference with final catheter length on x-ray in all groups. UVC length assessed by Dunn method did not have statistically significant difference with final catheter length on x-ray in group A, C and D while UVC length assessed by umbilicus to nipple length did not have statistically significant difference in group D.

Conclusions: Umbilicus to the midpoint of inter-mammary distance was the most suitable method to estimate length of insertion of UVC in neonates.



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How to Cite

V. K., N. J., Varghese, S. M., George, M., & John, S. (2021). A cross sectional study assessing six different methods to predict the ideal position of umbilical venous catheters in neonates of different weight categories. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 9(12), 3627–3632. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20214712



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