Evaluation of functional outcome of metacarpal fractures managed by operative techniques: a hospital based study


  • Amit Kumar Department of Orthopaedics, GMCH, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Sanjeev Gupta Department of Orthopaedics, GMCH, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Vinay Badyal Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oracare Clinic, Jammu and Kashmir, India




Metacarpal bones, TAM, DASH


Background: Metacarpal fractures comprise approximately 35.5% of cases in daily emergencies, mostly due to road traffic accidents, fall, and assault. The main goal of treatment is to achieve the strong bony union without any functional disability. Aim of the study was evaluation of functional outcome of metacarpal fractures managed by operative techniques and to compare the efficacy of different operative techniques.

Methods: A total of 50 patients managed by various operative techniques by using k-wires, screws and plates. Functional outcome was assessed by using total active movement (TAM) and disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) scoring system at 6th week, 3rd month and at 6th month.

Results: A total 47 fractures united and three fractures mal-united at the time of final assessment. Overall excellent and good results were achieved in 94% cases.

Conclusions: Our finding suggests that open reduction and internal fixation with k-wire is most preferable method among all other operative techniques.


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How to Cite

Kumar, A., Gupta, S., & Badyal, V. (2021). Evaluation of functional outcome of metacarpal fractures managed by operative techniques: a hospital based study. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 9(12), 3560–3564. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20214491



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