A case of subretinal hemorrhage due to choroidal tear in right eye following blunt trauma in a 35 years old female


  • Shrushti Doshi Department Of Ophthalmology, Government medical college and SSG Hospital, Baroda, Gujarat, India
  • Yamini B. Sangada Department Of Ophthalmology, Government medical college and SSG Hospital, Baroda, Gujarat, India
  • Stuti V. Juneja Department Of Ophthalmology, Government medical college and SSG Hospital, Baroda, Gujarat, India




Blunt trauma, Subretinal hemorrhage, Choroidal tear


A 35-year-old Asian Indian female presented to our institute with a history of fall on road and accidental hit by stone over her right eyebrow, grossly no anterior segment abnormality was noted. On dilated fundus examination, a superotemporal choroidal tear was noted which led to choroidal hemorrhage. Patient was managed conservatively by giving oral steroids and tablet vitamin C. After 2 months of treatment there was complete resolution of the lesion with a final best corrected visual acuity of 6/6.


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How to Cite

Doshi, S., Sangada, Y. B., & Juneja, S. V. (2021). A case of subretinal hemorrhage due to choroidal tear in right eye following blunt trauma in a 35 years old female. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 9(12), 3689–3691. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20214720



Case Reports