Prevalence of dry eye among paramedical students of Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh
Dry eye, Prevalence, Gland, Team film abnormalityAbstract
Background: The prevalence of dry eye is 32% in India which is higher than global prevalence. Dry eye is not a disease but a symptom complex occurring as a deficiency and abnormalities of the tear film. Dry eye infection (DED) is perhaps the most pervasive visual sickness on the planet. The point of our investigation was to acquire the pooled pervasiveness of DED in students and investigate its expected relates.
Methods: It was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based qualitative and observational study was conducted among the students of the paramedical college of Teerthankar Mahaveer university. The pre-validated questionnaire was divided into three main sections involving the demographic data including the information about gender, age, students studying stream in the second section the questions about general health and question related to dryness in the eye.
Results: Out of a total of 40 participants, 65% (26) were male and 35% (35) were female with the average age of the participants was 21.40 with the average age 21.40. During day how often feeling dryness for this we got the responses of 15% (06) for never, 82.50% (33) for some time and 2.50% (01). Further we have assessed the about dryness in their eyes by presenting the question During day how often feeling dryness for this we got the responses of 15% (06) for never, 82.50% (33) for some time and 2.50% (01).
Concussions: The finding that dry eye symptoms are particularly common in young adults is concerning, and warrants further study.
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