Burn out and depression in paramedical workers of tertiary care hospital during COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19, Burnout, Depression, AnxietyAbstract
Background: Medical/paramedical professionals are prone to various behavioral disorders due to work pressure. The aim of the study was to evaluate burnout and depression in paramedical workers of a tertiary care hospital during COVID-19.
Methods: Paramedical health care workers were assessed using online questionnaire containing self-administered questionnaire in this cross-sectional study between March 2021 and May 2021. Burnout self-test, depression, and anxiety were measured.
Results: In this study, only 2.6% had at very severe risk of burnout and 7.8% were at severe risk of burnout while 3.9% had no signs of burnout. Approximately 80% of the patients had no depression. While there were 19.5% had mild to severe depression. Only eight out of 77 subjects had clinically significant symptoms of anxiety. Two subjects were having comorbid illness.
Conclusions: A considerable percentage of HCWs experience burnout, depression, and anxiety.
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