Microvascular cutaneous coverage in wounds that expose the Achilles tendon: case report


  • Penelope J. Haquet-Guerrero Resident of High Specialty In Hand Surgery and Microsurgery At The National Rehabilitation Institute, Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra
  • Rodrigo Banegas-Ruiz Department of Hand Surgery and Microsurgery, Rehabilitation, Hospital, Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra, CDMX, Mexico
  • Hector A. Morales-Yépez Head of Service of The Plastic Surgery Service of The Hospital Central Militar, Mexico
  • Eric Contreras-Sibaja Head of The Burns Unit of The Hospital Central Militar, Mexico
  • Daniel Pichardo-Esquivel Physician Assigned to The Service of Plastic Surgery Hospital Central Militar, Mexico
  • Luis M. Hernández-García Physician Assigned to The Service of Plastic Surgery Hospital Central Militar, Mexico
  • Paúl Robledo-Madrid National Rehabilitation Institute Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra, Mexico
  • Julián O. Ibarra-López Specialty of Plastic Surgery of The Hospital Central Militar, Mexico
  • Julio O. Rodriguez-Bautista Specialty of Plastic Surgery of The Hospital Central Militar, Mexico
  • Nadia A. Rodriguez-García Fellowship, Mexico
  • Miguel Á. Canseco-Fuentes Fellowship, Mexico
  • Erik A. Torre-Anaya Physician Attached to Hospital Dalinde Corta Estancia, Mexico http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5911-8527




Tendon rupture, Achilles tendon, Radial flap, Microsurgery


Achilles tendon rupture, being one of the main tendon ruptures present, surgery being the most favourable option even taking into account complications such as infections and skin necrosis, it is necessary to develop techniques which help to reduce complications and increase benefits. The methods follow-up of 2 cases of patients with skin defects in the region of the Achilles tendon in patients who were treated at the "Luis Guillermo lbarra lbarra" national rehabilitation institute during the period 2020-2021 in the Traumatology service, treated with radial free flap forearm, using the description of the most used flaps in the literature. Results in both cases integrity of the free radial forearm flap in its entirety, functional recovery for walking, ability to put shoes back on, and without the need for reoperation, as well as a high level of satisfaction by patients. Conclusions if we are talking about an Achilles tendon rupture with a significant skin defect, the free radial forearm flap is an adequate option, if we are talking about a complete defect, the composite flap is the best option, remember that the decision on what type of flap will be used will depend on of the size of the lesion.


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How to Cite

Haquet-Guerrero, P. J., Banegas-Ruiz, R., Morales-Yépez, H. A., Contreras-Sibaja, E., Pichardo-Esquivel, D., Hernández-García, L. M., Robledo-Madrid, P., Ibarra-López, J. O., Rodriguez-Bautista, J. O., Rodriguez-García, N. A., Canseco-Fuentes, M. Á., & Torre-Anaya, E. A. (2022). Microvascular cutaneous coverage in wounds that expose the Achilles tendon: case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 10(11), 2666–2670. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20222879



Case Reports