Study of antimicrobial resistance profile and efflux mediated drug resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa detected by ethidium bromide-agar Cartwheel method


  • Silpa K. N. Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • Harish Kumar K. S. Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • Philip George Theckel Electron Microscopy Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • Anagha S. Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • Shinu Krishnan Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • Radhika Murali Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • Ananthu Raj Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India



Multidrug resistance, Efflux pumps, Ethidium bromide Cartwheel method


Background: Development of antibiotic resistance or multidrug resistance (MDR) is one of the major causes of treatment failure of bacterial infections and has rapidly evolved into a threat to global health care. Bacterial efflux pumps play a significant role in the development of antibiotic resistance. This study evaluates the prevalence of efflux pump- mediated drug resistance in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa.

Methods: Clinical isolates (n=100) of P. aeruginosa were collected from various clinical laboratories in Kerala and their efflux mediated drug resistance detected by the ethidium bromide (EB) agar Cartwheel method.

Results: The EB agar cartwheel method of screening revealed efflux activity in 17% (n=17) strains. The efflux activity was revealed at a minimum concentration of EB at 0 mg/l. P. aeruginosa strains showed the highest activity up to a concentration of 2.5 mg/l.

Conclusions: This study discusses the emergence of efflux pump- mediated drug resistance in P. aeruginosa from various clinical samples. Our results showed that 17% drug resistance in P. aeruginosa is attributable to efflux related mechanisms.


Author Biography

Harish Kumar K. S., Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education, Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies, Kottayam, Kerala, India

Professor & Head of Department in Medical Microbiology

Dept. of Medical Microbiology, School of Medical Education



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How to Cite

K. N., S., Kumar K. S., H., Theckel, P. G., S., A., Krishnan, S., Murali, R., & Raj, A. (2022). Study of antimicrobial resistance profile and efflux mediated drug resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa detected by ethidium bromide-agar Cartwheel method. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 10(12), 2837–2841.



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