Study of serum calcium and serum magnesium levels in newly diagnosed hypertensives


  • Jaiprakash Department of Physiology, SPMC, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Devendra Kumar Department of Physiology, RNTMC, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Pallavi Dubey Department of Physiology, RNTMC, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • P. V. V. Bhanupriya Department of Physiology, SPMC, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India



Hypertension, Serum calcium level, Serum magnesium level


Background: In normal vascular tissue physiology, calcium plays a crucial role. Calcium and magnesium metabolism have been implicated in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension. The present study aimed to assess serum calcium and serum magnesium levels and to study the association of the serum magnesium and serum calcium levels with hypertension in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients of Bikaner, Rajasthan.

Methods: This cross- sectional study was carried out on 60 subjects aged between 18 years to 60 years in the department of physiology and in association with department of medicine and department of cardiology, S. P. Medical College and associated group of hospitals, Bikaner. Data was compiled and entered into Microsoft software statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. Data was summarised as frequencies, mean and standard deviations. For continuous data the means were compared between cases and controls using unpaired or independent t test; and for nominal data, chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests were applied to compare frequency distribution between cases and controls to see the statistical significance.

Results: The present study shows statistically insignificant change in serum calcium and serum magnesium levels in newly detected hypertensive patients when compared to normotensive controls.

Conclusions: In view of statistically insignificant change in serum calcium and magnesium levels in newly detected hypertensive patients in our study, further studies with a large sample size and more uniform population are required to find if any significant association exists between these cations and hypertension.


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How to Cite

Jaiprakash, Kumar, D., Dubey, P., & Bhanupriya, P. V. V. (2023). Study of serum calcium and serum magnesium levels in newly diagnosed hypertensives. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 11(2), 654–658.



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