Role of slow decompression, injection carbetocin and Samarth Ram cannula for preventing postpartum haemorrhage in a patient of acute severe polyhydramnios
Polyhydramnios, PPH, SR cannula, Slow decompressionAbstract
We presented a case of a 30-year-old woman G3P1L1A1 who was diagnosed with severe polyhydramnios at 29 weeks of gestation. The patient was managed conservatively with amnioreduction. However, after one week of conservative management showed a further increase in the AFI (54-55 cm) with severe breathlessness and abdominal pain. A decision to terminate pregnancy was taken in view of failed conservative management. Emergency LSCS done under general anaesthesia. Amniotomy was done by slow uterine decompression. Simultaneously injection carbetocin 100 mcg IV bolus over 1 minute given. Postpartum haemorrhage was prevented by using Samarth Ram cannula. Further recovery was uneventful and patient discharged on day 3 of surgery.
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