Chilaiditi's sign in complicated acute appendicitis: case report and literature review
Chilaiditi, Appendicitis, Pneumoperitoneum, Laparotomy, Surgery, EmergencyAbstract
Chilaiditi's condition refers to the presence of a loop of small intestine or colon between the diaphragm and the hepatic rim, usually due to alterations in the attachment of the liver to the diaphragm. Chilaiditi syndrome is associated with abdominal pain as the most common clinical manifestation. Pneumoperitoneum should always be ruled out in the context of these patients. We presented the case of a male in his eighth decade of life who presented with data suggestive of drug-modified acute appendicitis, for which computed tomography of the abdomen identified acute appendicitis and Chilaiditi's condition. An open appendectomy was performed without complications and the condition resolved.
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