A rare combination of ileal duplication cyst with mesenteric cyst in 8 months old child: a case report


  • A. Hamid Wani Department of General Surgery, GMC, Jammu, India
  • Narinder Singh Department of General Surgery, GMC, Jammu, India
  • Gurbir Singh Department of General Surgery, GMC, Jammu, India




Enteric duplications cyst, Mesenteric cyst, Laparotomy, Melaena


Enteric duplication cysts are rare congenital lesions that can develop anywhere along the alimentary tract and vary greatly in presentation, size, location and symptoms. Duplications most commonly arise from the mesenteric border of the intestine and are frequently single. These are classified as cystic or tubular. Mesenteric cysts are rare intra-abdominal lesions occurring during childhood period, which may vary in presentation and can be asymptomatic or can present as obstruction, perforation or bleeding. The diagnosis of duplication cyst is difficult due to absence of obvious pathognomic signs. Abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography may aid in diagnosis. Radiological imaging may not be sufficient and high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose such cases. We herein are presenting the rare case of combination of mesenteric cyst with enteric duplication cyst in 8 months old child who reported to surgical emergency with complaints of bleeding per rectum. Ileal duplication cysts are rare anomalies which are often underreported because of their vague symptomatology and radiological features are often not diagnostic. A high index of suspicion is always needed to pick up the diagnosis based on history, examination and radiological findings.


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How to Cite

Wani, A. . H., Singh, N., & Singh, G. (2024). A rare combination of ileal duplication cyst with mesenteric cyst in 8 months old child: a case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 12(2), 597–600. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20240235



Case Reports