Effects of chest physiotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in preventing post-operative complications in a patient who has undergone double barrel ileostomy: a case study


  • Dhruvi M. Satra Department of Cardio-respiratory PT, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, College of PT, PIMS, (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India
  • Saumi Sinha Department of Cardio-respiratory PT, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, College of PT, PIMS, (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India
  • Sheetal Malekar Department of Cardio-respiratory PT, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, College of PT, PIMS, (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India




POP DST, MGS-2, HAM-A, PPCs, Cognitive behavioral therapy


Bowel obstruction is a common complication in advanced ovarian cancer with a reported obstruction rate between 5–42%, which is treated with resection and anastomosis. Post-operative complications (PPCs) generally occur due to immobility, decreased chest expansion, reduced thoracic mobility, weakness of respiratory muscles, severe pain at the suture site, and bandaging, making it difficult for the patient to cough. Thick and sticky mucus and depressed mucociliary clearance as an effect of anesthesia, cause accumulation of secretions in the lungs and can lead to PPCs. All this leads to prolonged hospital stays for the patient and delays recovery. Hence, our study aims to study the effects of chest physiotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in preventing post-operative complications in a patient who has undergone double barrel ileostomy. A 47-year-old female presented with the chief complaint of pain in the abdomen, for 2 months, which was dull aching and did not relieve with medication. She underwent double barrel ileostomy surgery. Following surgery, a 1- week exercise program was designed for the patient, which included the combination of chest PT and cognitive behavioral therapy with pre- and post-assessment of 3 scales, HAM-A, MGS-2, and POP DST, which showed remarkable differences in the pre and post values of the patient. Our present study concluded that post-operative physiotherapy intervention of chest PT and cognitive behavioral therapy was effective in preventing post-operative complications in the patient and promoted her early discharge from the hospital.



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How to Cite

Satra, D. M., Sinha, S., & Malekar , S. (2024). Effects of chest physiotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in preventing post-operative complications in a patient who has undergone double barrel ileostomy: a case study. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 12(2), 618–623. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20240241



Case Reports