Prevalence of Khat abuse and associated factors among undergraduate students of Jimma University, Ethiopia
Prevalence, Khat, AbuseAbstract
Background: Khat is one of the shrub plants with an amphetamine-like stimulant effect. Khat use occurs in all segments of all societies, which results in decreased work and school performance, and absenteeism. This study therefore is aimed to determine the prevalence of Khat abuse and identifying their associated factors among Jimma University.
Method: Sample size is 620 students. The study was done by using a multistage sampling technique.
Results: Out of 620 students, 150 (24.2 %) males and 15 (2.4 %) females were ever chewer. Of which 129 (20.8 %) males and 13 (2.1) of females had chewed in the last 12month. From the total of 142 students who chewed in the last 12 month, low risk chewer and dependent were 24 (3.9 %) and 7 (1.1 %) respectively. Out of 111 Khat abusers 21(50 %), 25 (59.5 %), 7 (16.7 %) and 2 (4.8 %) of them had used cigarette, Alcohol, Shisha and Hashish respectively. Among Khat abusers, 51 (45.9 %) were chewing on daily base, 40 (36.1 %) weekly, 10 (9 %) monthly, 7 (6.3 %) occasionally and 3 (2.7 %) others. The amount of Khat chewed at a time was estimated per cost in birr, and 87 (78.4 %) of the abusers chewed Khat that costs more than 20 birr per ceremony. Different reasons for chewing Khat were mentioned by Khat abusers. The major reason mentioned was to get concentration 50 (50.5 %) followed by relaxation 32 (29.9%).
Discussion: Khat abuse is prevalent among undergraduate students of Jimma University. Khat abuse is significantly associated with male gender, pocket money, faculty Khat use habit among family members. Most students use Khat to get concentration.
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