Clinical study of acute stroke with special reference to Greek stroke scoring system
Clinical features, Clinical presentation, CT scan, Greek score, Hemorrhagic stroke, Ischemic stroke, Risk factorsAbstract
Background: Stroke is becoming an important cause of premature death and disability in low-income and middle-income countries like India, largely driven by demographic changes and enhanced by the increasing prevalence of the key modifiable risk factors. Rapid access to CT is virtually impossible for all patients with a cerebrovascular event especially in resource poor countries like ours. Aims and objectives of the study were to study the clinical characteristics of patients suffering from acute stroke and to study the efficacy of Greek stroke scoring system in differentiating acute intracerebral infarction and hemorrhagic stroke
Methods: Present study was carried out in 50 consecutive patients of stroke admitted to department of Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev Hospital (attached to Government Medical College), Amritsar, Punjab, India. It was a prospective, observational, hospital based study.
Results: Maximum number of stroke patients i.e. 36% were in the age group of 61-70 years. Mean±sd age for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke was 67.9±11 and 57±9 years respectively. 36 patients (72%) had ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke was seen in 14 patients (28%). Among the modifiable risk factors of stroke-hypertension was the most common (68% cases) followed by dyslipidemia (64%), DM (30%), chronic alcohol intake (28%). In the present study, Greek score had a high sensitivity (97%) and positive predictive value (97%) in diagnosing ischemic stroke. It also had excellent specificity (97%) and negative predictive value (97%) in diagnosing hemorrhagic stroke
Conclusions: Targeting the risk factors for preventing stroke in the first place will help in reducing burden of this often-disabling disease. The CT scan remains as a gold standard in differential diagnosis of stroke and Greek scoring system may be used as a guide in management only when resources are limited and CT scan facilities are not available.
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