Gender based knowledge, attitude and practice study about blood donation among medical students in a sub-Himalayan state


  • Parveen Singh Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Rajiv Kumar Gupta Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Tajali N. Shora Department of Public Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Bhavna Langer Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Rashmi Kumari Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Riya Gupta General Directorate of Health Affairs, ASCOMS and Hospital, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India



Attitude, Knowledge, Practice, Voluntary blood donation


Background: WHO is advocating a policy towards 100% voluntary non-remunerated blood donation by year 2020. The youth in general and medical students in particular constitute the core group for recruitment and retention of voluntary donor population in order to ensure safe and sustainable blood transfusion practices in India. The objective of the present study is to elucidate the knowledge, attitude and practices about voluntary blood donation among medical undergraduate students.

Methods: A pretested, close ended questionnaire was administered to second and third year MBBS students of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Northwest India. Results were expressed in proportions and chi-square test was used as a test of significance (p<0.05).

Results: More than 90% of the respondents knew the suitable age for blood donation and interval between two blood donations. Knowledge parameters like age for blood donation, minimum weight for blood donation and volume of blood collected for blood donation were found to be statistically significant (p<0.5) between boys and girls. More females than males had positive attitude for voluntary blood donation which was statistically significant (p<0.05). In the practice part, voluntary blood donation rate was 26.69%.

Conclusions: Every opportunity should be availed to sensitise medical students about voluntary blood donation after their entry into medical colleges. It can greatly enhance the movement for voluntary non-remunerated blood donation and ensure safe and adequate quality of blood.


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Author Biographies

Parveen Singh, Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Senior Resident,
Department of Community Medicine

Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India


Department of Community Medicine

Tajali N. Shora, Department of Public Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Community Medicine Specialist

General Directorate of Health Affairs in Riyadh Region
Ministry of Health
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Bhavna Langer, Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Assistant Professor,

Department of Community Medicine

Rashmi Kumari, Department of Community Medicine, GMC Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Assistant Professor,

Department of Community Medicine


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How to Cite

Singh, P., Gupta, R. K., Shora, T. N., Langer, B., Kumari, R., & Gupta, R. (2017). Gender based knowledge, attitude and practice study about blood donation among medical students in a sub-Himalayan state. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 5(5), 1882–1887.



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