Phenotypic detection of carbapenem resistance in gram negative bacilli from various clinical specimens of a tertiary care hospital in Western Uttar Pradesh


  • Jyoti Diwakar Department of Microbiology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Etawah, Uttar Padesh, India
  • Rajesh K. Verma Department of Microbiology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Etawah, Uttar Padesh, India
  • Dharmendra P. Singh Department of Microbiology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Etawah, Uttar Padesh, India
  • Amit Singh Department of Microbiology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Etawah, Uttar Padesh, India
  • Sunita Kumari Department of Microbiology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Etawah, Uttar Padesh, India



Carbapenemases, Gram negative bacteria, Modified Hodge test, Metallo beta lactamase (MBL)


Background: Carbapenemase producing multidrug-resistant organisms (i.e., MDROs) is a critical medical and public health issue globally. These bacteria are often resistant to all beta-lactam agents and are also co-resistant to other multiple classes of antimicrobial agents, leaving very few antimicrobial options.

Methods: This study was carried out at UP University of medical sciences Saifai, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India, from January 2015 to June 2016. 110 isolates were found resistant by the Kirby Bauer’s disc diffusion method according to the CLSI guidelines. Modified Hodge test and combined disk test were performed for resistant isolates.

Results: A total of 800-gram negative isolate were included in the study. 110 isolates were found resistant to imipenem by disk diffusion method. Out of these 90 (81.81%) were positive for carbapenemase production by modified Hodge test.

Conclusions: We conclude that the modified Hodge test is a useful method for detection of carbapenemase production. Combined disc method is useful to detect metallo beta lactamase production.

Author Biography

Jyoti Diwakar, Department of Microbiology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Etawah, Uttar Padesh, India

Junior resident- 3


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How to Cite

Diwakar, J., Verma, R. K., Singh, D. P., Singh, A., & Kumari, S. (2017). Phenotypic detection of carbapenem resistance in gram negative bacilli from various clinical specimens of a tertiary care hospital in Western Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 5(8), 3511–3514.



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