Effectivity of the PGA rapid Atramat® and PGA Atramat® sutures for the closure of minimal invasion and abdominal-inguinal wounds in surgery


  • Juan José Granados-Romero Department of Surgery, General Hospital of Mexico, México
  • Baltazar Barrera-Mera Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México
  • Jesús Carlos Ceballos-Villalva AFINES, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México
  • Aranza Guadalupe Estrada-Mata AFINES, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México
  • Mariana Espejel-Deloiza AFINES, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México
  • María Isabel Mayen Sordo Department of Surgey, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México
  • Alan Isaac Valderrama-Treviño Department of Surgey, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México




Polyglycolic acid, Sutures, Surgical site infection


Background: The use of suture materials for the closure of wounds is a practice described in Egyptian parchments since 3500 b.C. through the use of linen, animal hair, vegetable fiber, silk, leather and others. The election of the ideal suture material has to be based in the appropriate resistance to traction, tissue biocompatibility and resorption rates..

Methods: An open longitudinal clinical trial was performed with data recollection in a prospective way, in which was calculated the incidence of complications; dehiscence, wound seroma, surgical site infection hemorrhage and abscess when PGA Atramat® and PGA rapid Atramat® was employed in laparoscopic and open surgery for treatment of inguinal and umbilical plasties.

Results: During the period from January 2016 to August 2016, the procedures included: 31 laparoscopic cholecystectomies, 18 laparoscopic fundoplications, 45 laparoscopic appendicectomies, 12 abdominal plasties and 16 inguinal plasties. This series shows the null incidence of complications in 31 cholecystectomies, 18 fundoplications, 16 inguinal plasties and 12 abdominal plasties.

Conclusions: The employment of the PGA Atramat® and PGA rapid Atramat® sutures maintains the features of a braided, absorbable suture, and it also results a feasible and secure resource for its use in minimal invasion surgery, abdominal and inguinal plasties, showing low incidence of surgical site infection.


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How to Cite

Granados-Romero, J. J., Barrera-Mera, B., Ceballos-Villalva, J. C., Estrada-Mata, A. G., Espejel-Deloiza, M., Sordo, M. I. M., & Valderrama-Treviño, A. I. (2016). Effectivity of the PGA rapid Atramat® and PGA Atramat® sutures for the closure of minimal invasion and abdominal-inguinal wounds in surgery. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 5(1), 186–190. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20164546



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