Schwannoma in oropharynx: a rare site posing diagnostic challenge


  • Deepshikha Rana Department of Pathology, ESIC Medical College, Faridabad, Haryana, India
  • Sujata Raychaudhuri Department of Pathology, ESIC Medical College, Faridabad, Haryana, India
  • Nimisha Sharma Department of Pathology, ESIC Medical College, Faridabad, Haryana, India



Benign, Neurogenic, Oropharynx


Schwannomas are benign nerve sheath tumors. These arise from Schwann cells of the neural sheath. Intra oral region is a relatively uncommon site of these tumors. They are solitary, slow growing, smooth surfaced, usually asymptomatic, and encapsulated tumors, about 25% of all schwannomas are located in the head and neck, but only 1% show intraoral origin. A 22-year-old female came with dysphagia since, 3 years. FNAC was not feasible and so excision biopsy of the lesion was performed. Histopathology revealed schwannoma like picture and it was confirmed with diffuse S-100 positivity on immunohistochemistry. Hence, finally confirming schwannoma of the oropharyngeal region. Schwannomas can be found anywhere in the body but a quarter of all occur in the head and neck region. Intraorally its percentage is only 1% with tongue being the commonest. Pharyngeal presentations of schwannoma are rare. Schwannomas are benign tumors having excellent prognosis. Basically, this case report is important as these very rarely occur in the oropharyngeal region and it’s a must to consider them in the differential diagnosis of lesions at this site.


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How to Cite

Rana, D., Raychaudhuri, S., & Sharma, N. (2017). Schwannoma in oropharynx: a rare site posing diagnostic challenge. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 5(11), 5066–5068.



Case Reports