The effectiveness of lavender oil treatment using effleurage massage technique towards dysmenorrhea intensity of female students at Midwifery academy of Kartini Bali
Dysmenorrhea, Effleurage massage, LavenderAbstract
Background: Dysmenorrhea is a menstruation-related issue which refers to the short pain prior to or during menstruation that led to walking difficulty, low appetite, nausea, vomit and, in some cases, unconsciousness. Lavender is also used as sedative, or as medicine to ease pain and change the perception of pain.
Methods: The method used in this research was pre-experimental design with time series design on the 17-25 years old-female students who experience dysmenorrhea and had never given birth prior to the research. Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was utilized to assess the scale of pain using observation method for 4 times namely, 1st observation which was conducted before the therapy, 2nd observation which is 10 minutes after the 1st observation, 3rd observation which was performed after effleurage massage therapy and goes on for 6 hours, and 4th observation which was 10 minutes after the 3rd observation.
Results: From the research on 42 female students, it was found that prior to the effleurage massage therapy almost all of the samples (83.3%) had intermediate pain intensity, meanwhile after the treatment the majority (95.2%) experience low dysmenorrhea. There was an impact of effleurage massage toward the dysmenorrhea intensity with the value of P=0.00.
Conclusions: The lavender oil therapy using effleurage massage technique effectively cause significant drop of dysmenorrhea intensity from 4.7 into 2.6 in the scale of pain.
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