Quick diagnostic and management community acquired pneumonia at Sumbawa hospital: a case report
Antibiotic, Lung ultrasound, Oxygenation, Pneumonia, Rapid diagnosticAbstract
Pneumonia is most common cause of respiratory distress an infection of the pulmonary parenchyma. Despite being the cause of significant morbidity and mortality, it is often misdiagnosed, mistreated, and underestimated. Pneumonia historically was Typically classified as community-acquired (CAP), hospital-acquired (HAP), or ventilator-associated (VAP). A 68-year-old male was sent to the emergency department from clinic with an oxygen saturation of 86%. She has fevers with cough and generalized weakness for one week. She had been evaluated by her primary care provider on day two of illness and was started empirically on cefixime without improvement of her symptoms. The patient arrived febrile, tachycardic, tachypneic, and hypoxic on room air with right-sided crackles on exam. Lung Ultrasound of the right lower lobe demonstrates lung hepatization, a classic finding for pneumonia. In addition, a shred sign is present with both air bronchograms and focal B lines-all suggestive of poorly aerated, consolidated lung. Authors critically evaluate the evidence for the use lung ultrasound for rapid diagnostic. It is important to understand this disease, rapid diagnostic with ultrasound and when treated promptly and effectively, these patients will rapidly recovery. Good oxygenation, intravenous Antibiotic, intravenous fluids and symptomatic treatment which should be started within minutes of the patients’ arrival to emergency department.
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