Patient safety issues in rehabilitation for person with locomotor disabilities: a review


  • Kuldeep Deka Department of Physiotherapy, Down Town Hospital Ltd. Sankardev Path, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam, India
  • Pranjal Gogoi Department of Physiotherapy, Down Town Hospital Ltd. Sankardev Path, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam, India



Locomotor disabilities, Medical error, Patient safety, Rehabilitation


Since the publication of the Institute of medicine report, To Err Is Human: Building a safer health system, notes that errors in health care are a significant cause of death and injury and the emphasis on patient safety has steadily increased. The rehabilitation professionals engaged for the management of patient with locomotor disabilities should incorporate elements of patient safety into their practices and also to stimulate research associated with prevalence of analysis of error/harm which occurs during the rehabilitation phase and also to develop and validate certain specific measuring tools and instruments for patient safety issues.


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How to Cite

Deka, K., & Gogoi, P. (2019). Patient safety issues in rehabilitation for person with locomotor disabilities: a review. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 7(4), 1388–1391.



Review Articles