A prospective observational study of dengue fever with thrombocytopenia with reference to treatment
Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), Dengue shock syndrome (DSS), Thrombocytopenia, FeverAbstract
Background: Dengue fever is treated according to the WHO guidelines worldwide but due to the unavailability of blood products and economic constraints treating physicians often modify according to the patients requirements and try to give best available treatment for the patients. So we did an observational study of dengue fever and evaluated the clinical profiles and prognosis of dengue fever with reference to the treatment in JSS Medical College, Mysore in south India, a tertiary medical centre.
Methods: This two year prospective, observational study was conducted in JSS Medical College. A total of 128 patients were evaluated and were divided into three groups like group 1-mild risk, group 2-moderate risk and group 3-high risk depending on the platelet count levels and bleeding diathesis. Group 1 received supportive treatment, group 2 received supportive treatment and steroids (Inj dexamethasone 4mg IV q8h) and group 3 received supportive treatment with steroids and platelet transfusion. Clinical evaluation and relevant investigations like blood culture; malarial parasites and febrile serology (acute and convalescent) were performed.
Results: This observational study revealed that dengue fever can be managed symptomatically according WHO guidelines and platelet transfusion is done only when platelet count is less than 10000/cumm or in bleeding diathesis irrespective of platelet count.
Conclusions: Steroid usage alone or along with platelet transfusion had no effect on the platelet count or on the overall outcome of the patient.
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