Estimation of stature from percutaneous length of tibia amongst Bengalee population-an observational study in a teaching institution in West Bengal, India


  • Tapas Ghosh Department of Anatomy, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital (BMCH), West Bengal, India



Percutaneous regression equation, Stature, Tibial length


Background: Assessment of stature from measurement of percutaneous body parts is important for identification. This assessment can be done from long bones, especially tibia and femur. Tibia is ideal in this context as it is subcutaneous, and measurement is easy. Various regression equations correlating stature with percutaneous length of tibia (PCLT) are outdated, incorrect or inappropriate. So, the present study aimed at finding a recent relationship, and if possible, correlation between PCLT and stature.

Methods: PCLT and stature of 470 subjects of Burdwan district, West Bengal, India, were recorded.

Results: New regression equations were derived from the data, taking into consideration the racial, geographic, secular and gender differences. After determining that PCLT and stature were related and positively correlated, the newly formulated regression equations were evaluated and found to be statistically significant.

Conclusions: The new regression equations derived from this study could be employed for more accurate estimation of stature.


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How to Cite

Ghosh, T. (2019). Estimation of stature from percutaneous length of tibia amongst Bengalee population-an observational study in a teaching institution in West Bengal, India. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 7(5), 1653–1657.



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