Identification of professionalism behaviour blueprint assessment medical students with Eastern and Islamic culture in the profession program
Blueprint assessment, Eastern culture, Islam, Professional behavior, Professional programsAbstract
Background: Medical institutions have a role and responsibility in training medical students to have the knowledge and skills needed to become a reliable doctor in terms of mastering knowledge, skills in the field of medicine. One thing that is often overlooked by medical institutions is forgetting aspects of professional behaviour. Professional behaviour is indispensable in creating a new generation of doctors who have professionalism and character. For medical institutions as a starting point in professional behaviour, it is very important to be able to formulate indicators of professional behaviour for medical students. Previous research is limited to the assessment of professional behaviour that is still generally conveyed and does not relate aspects of eastern and Islamic culture. The purpose of this study is to create a blueprint assessment of professional behaviour in the profession program of medical students.
Methods: This research using a qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted with semi structured interviews and conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Pabelan, Kartasura, Central Java, Indonesia. Data analysis is done by general inductive approach.
Results: This study formulated three major themes that influenced professionalism in professional students including professionalism in terms of cognitive/knowledge, skills/behavior, and attitude. Based on the results using semi structured interview, 18 items of instruments were formulated related to professionalism assessment in professional students including three cognitive assessments, seven assessment items about professionalism in terms of skills, and eight items of evaluation on professionalism in terms of attitude.
Conclusions: Professionalism in Islamic and eastern culture of medical students includes cognitive abilities, skill abilities and attitudes. The instrument for evaluating the medical professionalism of Islamic and eastern culture was determined for 18 assessment items.
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