Histopathological study of thyroid lesions and correlation with ultrasonography and thyroid profile in western zone of Rajasthan, India
Thyroid swelling, Multinodular goiter, Histopathology, Ultrasonography, Thyroid profileAbstract
Background: To evaluate the different patterns of thyroid lesions in surgically resected specimens and biopsies received at department of pathology and correlate the various histo-morphological features with respect to clinical findings, USG and thyroid profile findings.
Methods: Total 100 cases of partial or complete thyroidectomy were studied. A detailed clinical examination with USG examination and assessment of thyroid function test were carried out preoperatively.
Results: The highest incidences (51%) of thyroid enlargements were found in age group of 21-40 years with females predominated (77%), ratio being 3.34:1. Out of total 100 cases, 28 were neoplastic and 72 were non-neoplastic. Thyroid function test was carried out of all 100 cases and out of them 81 were euthyroid. Most common clinical symptom in the patients of thyroid lesions was swelling in the neck which was present in all cases. Multinodular goiter was the most common radiological finding seen in 55% cases. Out of 55 cases of MNG one case turned out to be malignant after histopathological examination. USG diagnosed 10 cases were malignant, out of them 1 case turned out to be benign after histopathological examination.
Conclusions: Taking into consideration histopathology report as a gold standard, correlation of USG finding with histopathology finding showed 90% sensitivity, 98.8% specificity with 90% positive predictive value.
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