Epidemiological and clinical profile of various plant poisons in a tertiary care center in South Tamilnadu, India
Cardiotoxitity, Datura, Glory lily, Neem oil, Oleander seedsAbstract
Background: Plant poisoning is a common scenario in a toxicology unit . Some of the plants contain active components used as medicines. However, some of the plant constituents are poisonous with wide variety of clinical manifestations. Authors aimed to study the pattern of various types of plant poisons and clinical presentations and complications of various plant poisons admitted in our toxicological unit.
Methods: A total of 87 patients admitted with history of plant poison ingestion, in toxicological unit of Tirunelveli medical college were studied . It was a retrospective observational study and was done over a period of one year.
Results: Out of 87 cases studied, 92%were due to consumption with suicidal intention. Plant poisoning ranks second only to pesticide poisoning . among the plant poisons encountered 66.6% were due to Oleander poison, followed by Datura (8%) and Glory lily(5.7%). Common parts of plant consumed by patients include seeds and plant oils . Vomiting and abdominal pain were the commonest presentations. Encephalopathy, dyselectrolytemia and arrhythmias were the notable complications in our study.
Conclusions: Early admission and prompt first aid and monitoring at tertiary care center are key to the reduced mortality. The study throws light on various manifestations, toxic parts and complications of plant poisons.
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