Integrating physician’s and patient’s interest before judging the efficiency of a diagnostic test


  • Ram Shanmugam Honorary Professor of International Studies, School of Health Administration Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, USA



Positive and negative Predictive Values, Prevalence, Sensitivity, Specificity, Shanmugam, Metrics Youden versus


Background: Customarily, physicians utilize an efficient diagnostic test before confirming the illness to start a treatment procedure. In this process, physician’s seeks maximum possible sensitivity  and specificity. On the contrary, patient wants maximum attainable positive and negative predictive values. A duality exists between both vital patient’s and physician’s interest and it helps to judge whether a diagnostic is superior.

Methods: This article integrates physician’s and patient’s interest in a novel manner to judge a diagnostic test is efficient. This approach is seen to be optimal, according to illustrations.

Results: The results based on expressions of this article in data on rotavirus, mammogram, post-surgery infection, opinion of two independent nurses about ear infection, whether a surgery contained cancer cells, whether a second surgery rectifies ruptures in breast gels, and whether the elder’s fall due to medications they consumed are all convincing that the integration works well.

Conclusions: The new integrated metric, , susceptibility index, excessive risk, calibration index, and phi-coefficients of this article are supportive to that both the physician’s and patient’s interest together identify a superior diagnostic test.


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How to Cite

Shanmugam, R. (2019). Integrating physician’s and patient’s interest before judging the efficiency of a diagnostic test. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 7(11), 3969–3978.



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