Outcomes of surgical management of liver trauma at LUMHS Jamshoro
Bile leak, Intra-abdominal sepsis, Liver trauma, Recurrent haemorrhage, Surgical managementAbstract
Background: Mortality from liver trauma remains high despite surgical advancements. The objective of this study was to determine the outcomes of surgical management of liver trauma at LUMHS Jamshoro.
Methods: A cross-sectional observational study using non-probability convenient sampling technique was done at department of surgery LUMHS Jamshoro for 18 months. Patients between 14 to 50 years with blunt hepatic trauma presenting to the E.R. within 04 hours of incident were included and hepatic trauma patients managed conservatively, having multiple trauma and hemo-dynamically stable were excluded. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis with mean and SD reported for qualitative and frequency and percentages for quantitative variables. Chi-square test was applied keeping p-value of < 0.05 as statistically significant.
Results: From 136 patients with mean age of 32.33±1.23 years, 120 (88%) were male. 122 (89.7%) were admitted due to blunt trauma and 14 (10.3%) due to penetrating trauma. Peri-hepatic packing was performed in 116 (85.2%) and suture hepatorrhaphy in 20 (14.8%). Intra-abdominal sepsis was seen in 41 (30%) of patients followed by recurrent hemorrhage in 33 (24%) while 30 (22%) of patients died. Substantial differences (p < 0.001) were observed in terms of surgical technique and each of the complication i.e. sepsis, bile leak and recurrent hemorrhage among alive patients
Conclusions: The most common post-operative complication was intra-abdominal sepsis followed by recurrent haemorrhage and bile leak. Significant mortality was observed in between type of complication as well as surgical technique.
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