Gaint cell tumour of phalynx: have you seen it?
Gaint cell tumour, Gaint cells, Osteoclastoma, Phalynx, Ray amputationAbstract
Giant cell tumors are rarely seen in the foot. Only 1-2% cases of GCT occur in the foot. They can cause a significant amount of pain and deformity due to their aggressive and recurrent nature whenever it occurs in foot. We present an unusual case of a giant cell tumor of proximal phalynx of middle toe of left foot. 26 year old male came with complaints of pain and swelling over the middle toe of left foot since 6 months. Clinical and radiological features showed features consistent with GCT. Foot Function Index revealed a) Pain scale: 29 / 50 = 58%, b) Disability scale: 56 / 90 = 62%, c) Activity limitation scale: 8 / 30 = 27%. Authors performed enbloc resection with ray amputation of 3rd toe. Histopathological examination of excised specimen revealed classic findings of mononuclear cells with interspersed fibro-collagenous strands and numerous multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells which confirmed our diagnosis. Patient was serially followed up and at 6 months followup, there were no signs of recurrence with markedly improved foot function index.
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