Relationship between perceptions and class participation of pregnant women
Class of pregnant women, Perceptions, RelationshipAbstract
Background: Pregnant women class is a means to learn together about health for pregnant women, in the form of face to face groups which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers regarding pregnancy, pregnancy care, childbirth, postpartum care, newborn care, myths, infectious diseases and birth certificates. The purpose of the research was to analyse relationship between perceptions and class participation of pregnant women.
Methods: This research was an analytical with crossectional design. The study sample were 50 pregnant women who had participated in class of pregnant women. Data was collected by the method of questionnaire. Data analysis was done using Chi Square test.
Results: Based on the results of research on the frequency class participation of pregnant women, most of the respondent 33 (66%) had a good perception. Most of the respondents 34 (68%) were active in class participation of pregnant women. Analysis using Chi Square test showed most of the respondents who had a good perception 31 (66%) were active in class participation of pregnant women.
Conclusions: This study suggest that class of pregnant women giving benefits because pregnant women become aware of pregnancy care, childbirth, postpartum and baby care and pregnancy gymnastic.
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