Diagnostic evaluation of tubal patency in a tertiary care hospital
Hysterosalpingography, Infertility, LaparoscopyAbstract
Background: Infertility has always been one of the most elusive symptom complexes that perplex the best gynecologists. Amongst female factors, tubal factors are responsible for 25-30% of infertility. Hysterosalpingography and diagnostic laparoscopy with chromopertubation are widely used in the evaluation of tubal factors of infertility. Aim of the study was to compare hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy in the diagnosis of tubal patency in infertile patients.
Methods: In this study 50 patients of infertility were evaluated prospectively in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Government Medical College, Jammu from April 2019 to March 2020. The findings of HSG and laparoscopy were compared.
Results: Mean age at presentation for primary infertility was 28.6±4.20 years and for secondary infertility it was 32.1±3.84 years. Majority of patients of primary (77.6%) and secondary infertility (54.5%) had duration of infertility of 1-5 years in our study. The sensitivity of HSG was 90.91% and specificity was 77.78 % with positive predictive value of 83.33% and negative predictive value of 87.50%, when tubal pathology was defined as any form of tubal occlusion detected at laparoscopy, either one sided or two sided.
Conclusions: HSG demonstrates high sensitivity in our study. So, it should be used as the initial investigation for identifying tubal patency. As the specificity is less, we suggest that laparoscopy is necessary to recognize those cases of tubal block which were unrecognized or wrongly recognized on HSG. In addition, the patients who were found to have tubal block on HSG, laparoscopy helps in finding the cause of infertility like existence of peritubal adhesions and endometriosis that can guide appropriate therapy.
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