Strategy to increase the quality of service and safety patients in the hospital Imelda Medan 2020
Quality improvement, Patient safety, Imelda hospital Medan, SWOTAbstract
Background: Currently, health services have very important demands, including services in hospitals that must be professional with international standards. Health services no longer only focus on patient satisfaction but also focus more on patient safety (patient safety). The aim of the study was to determine the strategy for improving the quality of service and patient safety at the Imelda General Hospital in 2020.
Methods: This research used descriptive qualitative research with an inductive approach. The data used in this study came from in-depth interviews with respondents. The population was drawn from organizational staff at the Imelda Hospital Medan, namely the medical committee, nursing committee, PMKP committee, PPI committee and materials. The sample method used is exhaustive sampling.
Results: Based on the research results obtained, the Imelda Hospital Medan is included in a hospital that is able to compete in a competitive market, especially in urban areas. Based on the SWOT analysis, the Imelda Medan General Hospital is able to take advantage of the existing strengths and opportunities with the results of IFE= 2.52 and EFE= 2.50 and are in cell V in the IE matrix.
Conclusions: So, the strategy used in determining the strategy for improving quality and patient safety at the Imelda Hospital, Medan in 2020 is hold and maintain, which means maintaining and maintaining existing policies but does not rule out the possibility to improve for the better.
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