Factors affecting self-efficacy against hypertension self-care in hypertension patients: a scoping review
Self-efficacy, Hypertension, Hypertension self-careAbstract
Hypertension is called the "silent killer" some individuals with hypertension are not aware of this problem and may even have no warning signs or symptoms. Low self-efficacy has referred to chronic disease self-care that individuals engage in various forms of hypertension self-care behavior. This scoping review aims to determine the factors that affect self-efficacy of hypertension self-care in hypertension patients. This study used a scoping review to identify factors that influence self-efficacy on hypertension self-care in hypertensive patients. Search relevant studies using a database: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Academic Search Ultimate, Francies Taylor, Sciencedirect and Google scholar. Inclusion criteria patient with hypertension, age >40 years with a span of 2011 to 2020. Factors that influence self-efficacy are intentional non-adherence, (β=-0.02, p=0.031), low adherence to treatment (β=-0.05, p=0.017), effectiveness of doctor communication (β=0.11), p<0.001), positive beliefs about treatment (β=0.13 p<0.001), and social support (β=0.05, p<0.001). These factors serve as basic data in the development of further research in the prevention of stroke risk, with hypertension management capabilities.
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